Sunday 12 February 2012

Neighborhood Haunts


Starbucks! This looks just like an American Starbucks, except for the large double-decker bus in front (and the fact that it's run by French folks and patronized by British folks). Since there is free wi-fi here, and we have yet to set up internet, this is currently a hot spot for us on weekends.

Value-4-Money sells everything you could ever need for your apartment. They have supplied us with pots and various other odds and ends.

Thank goodness we didn't have to go too long without an Asian grocer! We are fully stocked with noodles, tofu, and dumplings.

Our neighborhood's public library. True, I spend all day in the British Library and Mordu spends his time in various libraries and archives, but this one supplies leisure reading and DVDs.

1 comment:

  1. I'm curious: what are your thoughts about Starbucks in the U.K.? Doran and I have been sorely disappointed by Starbucks in Paris - the coffee is nowhere near as strong or as darkly roasted as the American equivalent, and tastes somewhat like dishwater to us... but then again we forget that instant coffee is the standard in France, so of course the taste preferences are different. Does a latte in London taste the same as a latte in New Haven?
