Monday 20 February 2012

Finally, internet!

Setting up internet in our apartment proved non-trivial, to say the least. After extensive research (thank you, Mordu!) we decided to go with a plan offered by the company 02 (like the gas). All told, from the time we had collected the information, decided on a plan, tracked down a store, banged on the storefront to draw the employees out of the back room to let us into the store to do business (a story in and of itself), it took more than a week to set up, but tonight we are finally on! Not having internet did have its advantages. In the evenings, we kept each other company instead of running off to our own computers (indeed, right now we are both staring at separate screens) and at night we went to bed at a very reasonable and regular hour. Will trends continue? That remains to be seen...

Mordu: Are you really going to make me take this silly picture of us enjoying our new internet?

Rachel: Yes, so you might as well smile.

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