Tuesday 19 June 2012

Edinburgh Castle

Every city should have a castle in the middle of downtown. Some pictures from Edinburgh's:

 All castles should have a logo.



 All proper castles have a portcullis.

 View of the city from the castle.

 One of the largest canons ever made, nicknamed "Mons Meg." When it cracked and could not longer be used, there was no furnace large enough to melt it down, so now it's decorative. Actually, most of the canons at Edinburgh Castle were only ever decorative - ordered in place by Queen Victoria who thought that a castle without canons is simply wrong.

 Wandering around...

 Another view...

 City clock: For centuries, this ball has fallen every day at 1PM (see next picture) so that the city can synchronize their clocks. The problem is that Edinburgh is a pretty rainy climate and most days most of the city can't see it, so the castle also fires a canon at 1PM.

Fallen ball.

 Another view from the castle.

 Another view of downtown.

 Place where they kept prisoners of war, including some soldiers from the American Revolution. Some of their graffiti has been preserved. See below:

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