Saturday 13 October 2012

Michelle's Wedding

The last stop in Haifa was the wedding of Mordu's friend and former roommate, Michelle, at the Dan Panorama hotel. It was pretty dark so I didn't get too many good shots, but here are a few:

Reception at the Dan Panorama. The background color rotates between blue, purple, and red.

Nostalgically recreating that early 90's "laser" style school portrait:

All set up for wedding and reception. The wedding was called for 6PM so Mordu and I showed up at the hotel so we could clean up and be ready by about 5:30. We didn't quite get the memo on Israeli weddings; the huppa (wedding ceremony) began about 7:40.

That's ok, I amused myself by trying to take pictures of the night skyline out the window. Then I took more pictures of myself reflected in the glass:

And of the DJ's red computer for Jonah.

And, of course, the food:

Ok, wedding is beginning. But this guest doesn't care, he's going to start dinner NOW (as the family is processing in through that doorway behind him!):

Here comes the bride. Sadly, this is the most focused picture I got!

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