Tuesday 13 August 2013

Pre-Wedding Slumber Party

The night before we got married, the girls and I had a slumber party. The evening was a lovely way to relax and celebrate with some friends before the chaos of wedding day:

I think you can see the exhaustion and excitement in this picture:

We ate dinner, and then the girls threw me a surprise lingerie shower which was pretty far from serious. Gnomie DJ'ed and Katie and Naomita read explanations of the items as they were opened (in couplet). Meanwhile, I modeled them (over my clothes - this is a family blog!).

Freudian slippers from Aviva:

Pale pink night set from Leora:

Nightgown from Jenny:

Assorted fishnets from Gnomie:

Polka dot PJs from Katie:

 Nightgown and snuggie from Kelly:

There was much painting of toenails:

And fondue!

Air mattress inflation:

And, the next morning, hair-styling:

With a little help from Adrianna and Laura (whom I babysat oh so many moons ago!):

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