Friday 29 March 2013

Healthy Quiche

I haven't had a chance to download all my Passover photos yet, but in the meantime here's a recipe for an eggless, healthy quiche Mordu and I have been working on this year. It's Passover-friendly if you eat kitniyot (calls for rice and tehina). Also a great way to use up leftover brown rice.

Healthy eggless quiche


2 c. cooked brown rice (leftovers work great)
1 med. baked sweet potato
2 cloves garlic, crushed
1 onion, diced
2 carrots, grated
1 red pepper, diced
2 c. cottage cheese
6 sq. inches of feta, diced
1 tbsp. tehina
2 tsp. parve soup mix (I like Osem brand mock chicken)
extra virgin olive oil


1. Pre-heat oven to 175C/350F.

2. To make the crust: Peal the baked potato, reserving skins, and mash the insides. Mix the mashed sweet potato with the brown rice. Oil a pie dish and press the rice/potato mixture into a pie crust shape (can be done with fingers or a spoon). Bake for about 10 minutes to set and remove from oven.

3. Sautee onion and crushed garlic in olive oil over high heat for about five minutes, then add carrots and sweet bell pepper and continue sauteeing until onions are carmelized and the other vegetables are tender.

4. Mix sauteed vegetables with cottage cheese, feta, tehina, soup mix, salt and cayenne pepper to taste. Also, one may dice the leftover sweet potato skins and add these to the mixture (they will add texture and a little starch to help this hold together).

5. Pour the cheese/vegetable mixture into the pie crust you have made and bake uncovered at 175C/350F for 45 minutes.

6. Allow to sit for a few minutes to set. Can serve hot or room temperature. Mordu likes it cold, as well, but I'm less of a fan.


Like any quiche, you can vary the vegetables that go inside. I have also had luck with sauteeing various combinations of leek, mushrooms, fennel, celery, and zucchini, though I would not recommend tomato (too watery). You can also add any other herbs that strike you to the filling. Go with parsley/basil/oregano if you want to go in an Italian direction. Cumin/coriander goes nicely with the hint of tehina to give a more eastern flavor.

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