Friday 28 September 2012

Mac Repair - notes from the trenches

Three weeks, one day, and two trips to Tel Aviv after a computer meltdown, I'm happy to report that my computer is once again in my possession and in good repair. You can now look forward to more frequent scintillating blog posts in the near future.

PSA: If anyone ever needs help figuring out Mac repair in Jerusalem, I can especially recommend the services of Jonathan and his colleagues at They are pleasant, honest, and capable. DO NOT got to iDigital in Tel Aviv; I had a truly unpleasant experience with them in which they were not only dishonest but also refused to even attempt to restore the data I lost in the crash (which Jonathan was able to do).

1 comment:

  1. I have an iPad 3 (I love it very much) and I have an old Linux desktop I repaired last year. I need a MacBook Air as a primary computer because god only knows if on my Linux Desktop will crap out. Plus Macs are excellent for computer programming (what I want to do). I am 13 if that helps, so I can't get a job. Any suggestions on how to make money and save up?
    @ imac repairs
