Sunday 18 March 2012

Training for Cab Drivers

London, it turns out, has particularly exacting standards for its cab drivers. Aside from high ethical standards (a criminal background can disqualify you from becoming a cabbie), drivers must know the streets and major landmarks like the backs of their hands. To pass their qualifying exam, potential cabbies must be able to identify the shortest or most reasonable route between any two points in London, identifying every cross-street  and major building or address along the way. To learn the city, prospective cab drivers (called "Knowledge Boys") scoot around on little mopeds with maps of the city. We have seen a number of them out studying, though at first we didn't understand what we were seeing. Here's one we saw today who has paused to consult the "London A to Z" - the same atlas we use to get around.


  1. I was SO CONFUSED when I first came to New York and learned that cab drivers couldn't be relied upon to know which streets were where!

  2. I think Malcom Gladwell talked about London Cabbies memorization in one of the Freakonomics books. Apparently it rivals a new-born chicken anus in complexity.
