Tuesday 5 November 2013

Scheinerkid Weekend 2013

With 7.5 people and 3 dogs, this was the largest edition of Scheinerkid weekend yet. The general weekend including feasting, lolling about, game playing, dog walking, and dog doting. A few pictures from Sunday morning's hike.

And, pumpkin-banana pancakes for all!

Thursday 17 October 2013

Family Portrait

We took this using the photobooth application on Mordu's computer. The dog had fallen asleep and was softly snoring and I thought it was so cute I wanted a picture.

Wednesday 2 October 2013

Welcome Simcha "Simmy" Levy-Scheinerman-Eichel!

We adopted a dog!! Answers to your questions:

  • We think he's about 3 years old.
  • He's some sort of poodle mix.
  • He weighed 11.2 lbs at the vet yesterday, but he's a little underweight so hopefully he'll put on another pound or two. Since he loves to eat, we suspect this will not be a problem.
  • He hails from the New Haven Animal Shelter (buy local?).
  • We don't know much about his history, though he is clearly comfortable around people but seems frightened of large dogs.
  • He's named "Simcha" meaning "joy" because we met him first on Sukkot (zman simchateinu = season of our rejoicing). And we couldn't really think of anything better. And I've stopped trying to fight the gutterals in the names under this roof. (Hopefully no Hebrew grammar nerd will call me out and tell me that kaf is not a gutteral letter.)
  • He's a delightful little guy -- cuddly and playful.
And because I know you don't really care about any of that...PICTURES!

What is it you do around here? Write dissertations? Me too, me too!

What is that camera thing you are holding? Is it edible?

Ok, I'm done writing for the day:

 Time to cuddle with my people!

Tuesday 20 August 2013

Wedding Photos

Our wedding photo proofs are online. (Be forewarned, there are 833 of them!) We hope to soon receive a DVD with full size images. If anyone wants a digital copy of something, feel free to email me.


Password: jabberwocky

And props to our friendly and talented photographer, Laurie DeWitt, whom we wouldn't hesitate to recommend!

Tuesday 13 August 2013

Pre-Wedding Slumber Party

The night before we got married, the girls and I had a slumber party. The evening was a lovely way to relax and celebrate with some friends before the chaos of wedding day:

I think you can see the exhaustion and excitement in this picture:

We ate dinner, and then the girls threw me a surprise lingerie shower which was pretty far from serious. Gnomie DJ'ed and Katie and Naomita read explanations of the items as they were opened (in couplet). Meanwhile, I modeled them (over my clothes - this is a family blog!).

Freudian slippers from Aviva:

Pale pink night set from Leora:

Nightgown from Jenny:

Assorted fishnets from Gnomie:

Polka dot PJs from Katie:

 Nightgown and snuggie from Kelly:

There was much painting of toenails:

And fondue!

Air mattress inflation:

And, the next morning, hair-styling:

With a little help from Adrianna and Laura (whom I babysat oh so many moons ago!):

Tuesday 6 August 2013

Marvelous Mad Hatter Mawwiage Tea Party

Apologies to my loyal readers (<waves> "hi Mom!") for the long lapse in updates. My camera is broken so I'm not sure how many shots of our summer in Providence will appear on this blog, but at least I can post some older material. In this case, pictures from the lovely tea party (Alice in Wonderland-themed, of course) thrown by my FABULOUS bridesmaids (Naomi, Kelly, Leora, Aviva, Katie, and - in absentia - Naomita!) at the Hastings Center in Beacon, NY. The center is housed in grand, old house tucked away in the woods, with a huge veranda in the back. The weather was perfect; the view of the rolling hills, lake, and mountains spectacular; but much of the charm was in the thoughtful details these ladies put into the party. They were also the photographers.

The maid- and matron-of-honor, Naomi and Kelly:

The straws remind guests to "drink me":

My cousin, Naomi, follows instructions well:

Check out the view!

Tasty finger goodies:

And they wondered whether the guests would actually paint the roses red...

A few of these roses found their way into the bridesmaids' bouquets at the wedding!

Katie knows it isn't a proper tea party without croquet!

Toothpicks in the cucumber sandwiches helpfully suggest: "eat me"

A chessboard cake:

 My assigned costume for the day was a mad hat. Note, too, the fine china:

The guests presented me with a book of recipes (have already tried several!):

And some general party pics:

Other fun details:
- Signs directing guests to "follow the white rabbit" down the driveway
- Playing card and chess themed decorations
- A party game in which I was to compete with other guests over "who knows Mordu best". Note: I beat his Ima! But the game was rigged... Grand prize: an Alice-themed deck of cards
- The guests created envelopes of advice for me, to be opened at key moments over the next few years

Little jam jars labelled "jam tomorrow, jam yesterday, but never jam today" served as party favors:

Tuesday 11 June 2013

Blacklight Theater

On our last night in Prague, we went to a blacklight theater show. Across between dance and pantomime, the actors wear black costumes with reflective designs and perform under a blacklight. This particular show, Afrikania, featured an alternation of sketch comedy (a couple of tourists acting like jackasses in Africa) and dance (each dance based on a different animal or, in one case, plant, from the African landscape).