Thursday 17 October 2013

Family Portrait

We took this using the photobooth application on Mordu's computer. The dog had fallen asleep and was softly snoring and I thought it was so cute I wanted a picture.

Wednesday 2 October 2013

Welcome Simcha "Simmy" Levy-Scheinerman-Eichel!

We adopted a dog!! Answers to your questions:

  • We think he's about 3 years old.
  • He's some sort of poodle mix.
  • He weighed 11.2 lbs at the vet yesterday, but he's a little underweight so hopefully he'll put on another pound or two. Since he loves to eat, we suspect this will not be a problem.
  • He hails from the New Haven Animal Shelter (buy local?).
  • We don't know much about his history, though he is clearly comfortable around people but seems frightened of large dogs.
  • He's named "Simcha" meaning "joy" because we met him first on Sukkot (zman simchateinu = season of our rejoicing). And we couldn't really think of anything better. And I've stopped trying to fight the gutterals in the names under this roof. (Hopefully no Hebrew grammar nerd will call me out and tell me that kaf is not a gutteral letter.)
  • He's a delightful little guy -- cuddly and playful.
And because I know you don't really care about any of that...PICTURES!

What is it you do around here? Write dissertations? Me too, me too!

What is that camera thing you are holding? Is it edible?

Ok, I'm done writing for the day:

 Time to cuddle with my people!