Saturday 8 December 2012

Happy Hannukah!

Since I wrote "חנכה" on my third grade spelling test and it was marked wrong ("Christmas" was marked right though, go figure!), I have always been insecure about spelling out the name of the Festival of Lights. In an effort to be ecumenical and cover my tuchus, I have intentionally varied the spelling in this post.

Christmas Chanukah decorations in downtown Jerusalem:

Our new Channukiah gets its inaugural light:

And Mordu confuses Hanuka with his birthday: 

After lighting candles, we embarked on a Saturday evening latke experiment (my first time making them myself). We started with a bowl of grated white potato, sweet potato, carrot, zucchini, and red onion:

Mixed with lentil flour, salt, garlic powder, and curry powder:

Baked (and then fried):

And because we didn't have apple sauce or sour cream, we served them with sliced apples, plain yoghurt, and Belgian ale: